The Winner and Loser of the Year

Titles are traditionally handed out at the end of the year. Such as “Man of the Year” and “Loser of the Year” also found their owners.

Man of the Year

“Time” magazine is one of the most influential among the World leading media, which shapes and embodies the public opinion of Americans and representatives of other nations. In December, it dedicated the cover story to the President of Ukraine, in which it called Zelensky the Person of the Year 2022. The publication emphasized that since February 24, Ukraine has gone through the entire palette of stages from despair to upliftment, and at all stages Zelenskyi maintained an indomitable position.

In addition, he consolidated the politicians of the whole world and maximally influenced their actions and caused a global revision of the course of the whole of Europe.

The day before, another media outlet with a world name – Financial Times – gave Zelensky the title of Man of the Year. Journalists believe that before the end of 2022 there will be many more such awards.

Loser of the Year

The President of the Russian Federation was not left out of the spotlight either. The American newspaper Politico called him The Loser of the Year. This is caused not only by the failure of the loudly announced special operation, which was supposed to be completed in 10 days. His other “achievements” for 2022 were:

  • the decline of the level of the economy of the Russian Federation to the state of the 90s;
  • deterioration or termination of diplomatic relations with the maximum number of countries in the world;
  • the rise of internal tension in Russia due to an unprecedented drop in popular support caused by  disorganized and contradictory mobilization;
  • complete collapse of democracy in the country.

The Russian Federation has not known such a “rollback” since World War II. How long it will take for this country to recover, even under the most favorable conditions, is difficult to predict for the most experienced experts. Despite the fact that Putin constantly accuses the West of purposefully undermining the state of the Russian Federation, it seems that its main enemy is not outside the country, but inside.

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