Ukraine`s diplomatic defeat at “Ramstein” base

The monthly meeting in the Ramstein USA Army Force was particularly intense this time. It was on this item the Ukrainian authorities placed their main hopes. Since the situation in the east of Ukraine is worsening, the issue of support and provision of weapons is becoming increasingly urgent for the survival of not only the military, but also thousands of civilians. However, “Ramstein” brought this disappointment.

Items of the victory

Currently, the Ukrainian side is primarily interested in two types of weapons:

air defense systems that will save the lives of those who can be killed by Russian missiles every second;

counterattack weapons, such as tanks and armored vehicles, guns etc.

If the systems that allow shooting down air targets are provided relatively willingly, then certain problems arise with the equipment of the second type. Although seemingly logical arguments are put forward every time, the truth is simple: it is connected with Russia’s reaction, because the transfer of such weapons eloquently indicates the country’s position regarding the Ukrainian-Russian conflict.

One of the important points that could change the situation at the front is the giving to Ukraine the Leopard tanks. Those machines will be disposal of Germany and Finland, and before “Ramstein” they paid a lot of attention to this point and placed their hopes on it. However, in a few weeks it became known that Olaf Scholz resists the pressure exerted on the German government by other members of the alliance.

During the “Ramstein” talks it was turned out that the goal was not achieved: the decision to transfer Leopard was never made.

Political discrepancies

A few days before the meeting, it was information appeared about the issue of these tanks was discussed on January 18, when an opinion was voiced about the possibility of such actions in the event that the United States also provides Ukraine with Abrams-type tanks. However, the German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius hastily denied these rumors, stressing that they are fabrications. Whether they had a basis or not is currently unknown, however, the United States did not approve Abrams either.

The news that this clause was stuck in a deadlock caused outrage not only in certain political circles, but also in Germany itself. There, people went to a protest, where they demanded to provide Ukraine with the necessary Leopard type weapons. In Berlin, it was attended by Ukrainians who found refuge in this country, as well as German citizens. They had placards with the words “Free the leopards!” in their hands.

One of the countries that now most understands the danger of the war going on to the east of it is Poland. Its Head of Foreign Affairs, Zbigniew Rau, condemned such actions of the German government and rebuked the fact that hesitation costs real blood and lives, which are spent every second to persist.

This situation is not hopeless. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that a company of German-made tanks could be handed over to Ukraine even without Berlin’s agreement, if there is a clear delay in making a decision so far.

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