Side note: Romania warns EU of «new Kremlin propaganda threat»

During the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the European Union member states in Brussels last Monday, Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu called on the international community to be exceptionally vigilant and prevent the spread of positive reviews about Moscow in the EU media in the context of the Ukrainian-Russian war. According to him, Russia is preparing a large-scale propaganda offensive against the United Europe.

Aurescu, known for his reticence in evaluating geopolitical trends, suddenly stepped back from his own rules during the Brussels summit. Speaking from the rostrum of the forum, he predicted Europe «another information attack by Moscow». «We are all now witnessing the substitution of concepts, when Russia in the world media speaks of its exclusive role in the fight against the «collective West», he noted. – «The fact is that such a position finds understanding in a number of states that are an integral part of the European Union».

The head of the Romanian Foreign Ministry did not specify which EU states are in question in this particular case. Yes, this is not necessary. On the eve of the unwillingness to impose sanctions against the Russian Federation, Austria, Hungary and Croatia announced. According to preliminary data, Vienna plans to strengthen Austrian-Russian contacts in the scientific field, Budapest – in the item of energy, and Zagreb – in the financial sector.

«Moscow is trying to present itself as a stable partner of individual EU states, and this part of the Kremlin’s propaganda machine has already paid off», – Romanian political commentator Constantine Vladu told EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE in a special commentary. – Previously, the Kremlin has repeatedly stated that Moscow intends to protect the interests of the Russian-speaking population of Moldova by creating new relevant Moldovan media on the Internet. And Aurescu just made a «marginal note» for the structures of the European Union, since such “oppositional” journalistic structures will sooner or later appear in other European states».

It is expected that Moldovan President Maia Sandu will pay an official visit to Bucharest in the near future. The agenda of the meeting between the Moldovan leader and representatives of the Romanian authorities is kept in the strictest confidence. According to some reports, one of the main points of the talks will be the issue of countering the «Kremlin propaganda threat».

Recall that Romania is trying to draw the attention of the international community in general and the leadership of the European Union in particular to the desire of the Russian Federation to destabilize the situation near the eastern borders of the EU.

There is no information about the reaction of the EU leadership to the speech of the head of the Romanian Foreign Ministry.

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