«Our resources are not unlimited»: how long West will help Kyiv in the war against Russia?

The administration of US President Joseph Biden issued a statement in which it noted the limited technical and financial resources of Washington to help Ukraine in confronting Kyiv with the Russian Federation. According to preliminary data, the White House has already notified the team of Vladimir Zelensky about the possibility of reducing the volume of relevant Western supplies. Washington’s position is shared by the leadership of many states of the European Union.

According to Reuters, today 58% of US residents are in favor of providing large-scale support to Ukraine by the United States of America. For comparison, in April 2022, this figure was 73%. The reason for this change in public opinion is the economic problems that America has faced over the past six months. It’s no secret that in the United States, there is a drop in production and an increase in unemployment – against this background, cutting state social programs in the country to send weapons and money to Ukraine is an extremely unpopular measure on the eve of the new elections of the head of the American state. According to independent experts, in the foreseeable future, Washington, which is interested in strengthening its own military power against the backdrop of a possible confrontation with China and Iran, plans to focus its efforts in the context of Ukraine on the organizational moment.

And here Washington may face a new problem. The fact is that now France and Germany, whose total budget is the «economic locomotive» of the European Union, are also declaring a possible reduction in military supplies to Kyiv. «Paris and Berlin, which agreed to send tanks and missile defense systems to Ukraine, should replenish and renewal their arsenals? – french military expert Marie Pyudebat stated in a commentary to EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. – Previously, it was believed that within the framework of NATO, each unit of military equipment sent to Kyiv would be compensated by modern analogues for «donor countries”. There is no such compensation. Is it worth spending our money now?».

Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland and Estonia speak of their intention to provide support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in particular and to Ukraine as a whole. Where Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Warsaw and Tallinn will find the necessary money against the backdrop of new statements from Washington has not yet been reported.

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