A step aside: is a coup d’état possible in Moldova?

Anti-government rallies have rocked Moldova over the past few days. Representatives of some forces demand from official Chisinau to recognize the inconsistency of the policy of the current president of the country, Maia Sandu, who insists on rapprochement between the Republic of Moldova and Romania, other activists intend to declare active contacts between the Moldovan government and the Russian Federation. Independent analysts are talking about a possible aggravation of the socio-political situation in the country.

But not about a coup d’etat, the prospects of which are so often announced by the Russian media today. Indeed, earlier Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky stressed that Moscow was preparing a plan to prepare provocations in Moldova in order to destabilize the situation on the territory from the unrecognized Transnistrian Moldavian Republic to the Moldovan-Romanian border. «Russia’s next target after Ukraine could be Moldova», – he said, in particular, referring to the alleged intention of the Russian Federation to establish control over the PMR and Moldova.

The other day in Chisinau, actions were indeed held in support of Moldova’s contacts with the Russian Federation. However, they did not have a mass character – according to eyewitnesses, only about 150 people came to the square in Chisinau. At the same time, more than 250 people took to the streets of Chisinau demanding the speedy integration of the Republic of Moldova into the structures of the European Union. At the same time, both the first and second activists unanimously argued for the need for Sandu’s resignation.

«Most Moldovans have been wondering for a long time whether Chisinau will become part of the European Union», – romanian observer Sandra Niculescu told for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. – People in Moldova ask which structure – the EU or Russia – to bet on today. Even this question is provocative». At the same time, the expert stressed that in this context, things will not come to a coup d’état. «The actions of the protesting citizens are just a step away from another manifestation of hatred towards their own neighbor», – she said. «There can be no question of any way.

At the same time, a number of Moldovan activists announced their intention to continue their struggle. The desire to continue to take to the streets of Chisinau was expressed by representatives of dozens of local public organizations. Their demands are simple – an increase in pensions and wages, as well as an increase in the register of social benefits.

Geopolitics has nothing to do with it.

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