What gives a warrant for Putin’s arrest

Now Putin can be arrested in 123 countries included in the Rome Statute of International Law. A warrant is not yet an arrest, but in international politics, such an event will have its consequences. Which ones exactly?

For what?

On March 17, the Hague International Criminal Court issued arrest warrant for the President of Russia. In parallel, the same warrants were issued in relation to the Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Russian Federation, Maria Lvova-Bilova. Both can be prosecuted for the deportation of minors who are citizens of Ukraine.

He framed himself

In order to prosecute such a high-ranking official, it is necessary to have reliable evidence that confirms that he is directly involved in a crime under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. Getting them is a very difficult task. However, this time Putin has set himself up.

He had a conversation with Lvova-Belova in front of the camera, in which he confirmed how important the work they are doing is, taking children from the territory of their native country. Why the lawyers of the President of the Russian Federation did not warn him about the consequences of such a video remains a mystery.


Russia immediately reacted to the issuance of warrants. Speaker Peskov said that this is unacceptable. It is interesting that he did not use the word “illegal”.

You should not expect that it will change something in one day. But now Putin will make sure that international law extends to his person as well.

As long as the President of the Russian Federation is in his country, nothing threatens him. But there will be certain consequences:

  1. An arrest warrant always limits communication with foreign colleagues who avoid contact in order not to expose themselves to trouble. In such cases, presidents send the head of government or the minister of foreign affairs, etc., for meetings.
  2. Russia’s elites will perceive this as a signal of maximum disadvantage. In addition, they will understand that in extreme cases Putin can be brought as a sacrifice to the international community to avoid joint responsibility.
  3. Issued arrest warrants are mandatory in 123 countries, most of which do not support Russia in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. However, this list also includes such countries as Hungary, Serbia, the Republic of South Africa, and others. This could lead to their withdrawal from the Rome International Statute and an even greater division of the world.

So far, the reason is only the case of the deportation of Ukrainian children, however, most experts believe that this is only the beginning. More accusations will follow.

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