Does China confirm the support of Russia?

The leader of China was the first who visited Putin after he became a figure in the case of the deportation of Ukrainian children and a person who should be arrested in 123 countries of the world. Does this visit mean that China is completely on Russia’s side?

The door was opened – the door was closed

The meeting of the two Presidents lasted 4.5 hours, and only a small part was officially held with open doors. This means that the visit was not completely demonstrative. During it, the really important issues were discussed.

“Sweet” things

Xi Jinping has said a lot of compliments to Putin, but it should not be taken as literally as many media reports. He really called the President of the Russian Federation a good friend and emphasized how Russia flourished during Putin’s rule. In addition, he expressed the hope that Putin would extend his term after the next elections (although the current President has not yet expressed his desire to participate in them).

However, it is worth remembering that there is a certain etiquette during official visits. All of the above fits into its logic.

Conversation with Zelenskyy

There was information in the press that Xi Jinping plans to communicate with the President of Ukraine in an online format. There has been no official confirmation of this from either side yet. It is possible that during such communication, the Chinese leader would repeat the same thing, but to Kyiv and the leader of Ukraine, in order to maintain neutrality. Whether it will be so, the near future will show.

It is more visible from the side

One of the issues discussed by Xi Jinping and Putin was the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Politicians believe that Russia is vulnerable in this, because it is now weakened and looking for allies, and China has long-standing territorial claims in the Far East.

The so-called “peace proposals” that were proposed by the Chinese side to settle Russian aggression, rather play into the hands of the Russian Federation, because they provide an opportunity to delay time and accumulate military power for further promotion at the front.

The real consequences of the communication between the Presidents of Russia and China will become clear for the first time during Xi Jinping’s meetings with European leaders, whom he hopes to meet after his visit to the Russian Federation.

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