Is a new revolution possible in France?

Over the past few days, anti-government demonstrations have taken place in almost all major cities of the French Republic, accompanied by street clashes between demonstrators and police, arson of buildings and cars, as well as mass arrests and general destabilization of the situation. What is happening in France – a country that is rightfully considered one of the symbols of the European Union?

And the processes that international analysts warned official Paris about back in January of this year are taking place. Then the team of the current French President Emmanuel Macron approved the next stage of the pension reform, the main point of which is to increase the age of citizens on retirement from 62 to 64 years. Among other things, already on March 11, French Prime Minister Elisabeth Born announced the adoption of this document, bypassing a special vote in the main legislative body of the country – the National Assembly.

«This caused a wave of rage among ordinary French people», – Paris-based political commentator Marie Pyudebat told for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. – «Today we are witnessing the biggest protests since the 1968 student uprisings. How it will end, no one knows».

At the moment, it is known that, in addition to Paris, a number of regions of Grenoble, Lille, Nantes, Marseille and other French settlements have already been plunged into chaos. There are reports of protests in rural areas. At the same time, the police use harsh measures against protesters, including tear gas and batons. The number of citizens detained by law enforcement officers was not disclosed. According to some reports, there are up to 4,000 people in police stations.

It is assumed that the trade unions of doctors, railway workers, firefighters and the same policemen will join the protest activities as early as next Monday.

Nevertheless, it is clearly not necessary to speak of a «new French revolution». «United Europe is closely following the current situation. We will not allow a collapse in a single country of our structure», – the EU leadership emphasizes in a statement. At the same time, neither French President Macron nor the head of the French government, Born, are going to enter into any negotiations with the manifestos.

It seems that all fears, doubts and even hopes of the world community in the context of official Paris will be confirmed or refuted next week.

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