In Romania, a «brilliant» self-taught dentist was detained for illegal practice

In the capital of Romania, Bucharest, a 26-year-old native of Syria was detained on suspicion of forging documents and illegal use of medical equipment. According to preliminary information, the specified citizen was able to carry out dozens of unique operations in the designated area and become a legend in the regional industry. Now the «legend» faces up to two years in prison on probation.

It may seem incredible, but a certain Selim T., who at one time moved to the Romanian capital from a suburb of Damascus, did not even finish high school in his homeland. According to some reports, upon his arrival in Bucharest as a refugee, this young man, with the support of his compatriot, opened a private dental office. Potential customers were attracted by low prices and quality of service. It should be especially noted that the pricing policy was presented at a decent level: the average cost of treatment was three times less than in any local private institution. Rumor has it that Selim’s client was a high-ranking representative of the Romanian government.

The scandal erupted after one of the patients of the office complained of a severe swelling and pain in the left gum area after a tooth extraction operation. The woman first applied for additional advice, first to the state dental hospital, and then filed an application with the prosecutor’s office. As noted during the preliminary medical investigation, the occurrence of this tumor was not the result of a corresponding surgical intervention.

But during the prosecutor’s check, it became known that the Syrian does not have the necessary dentistry diploma. According to the current Romanian legislation, the activities of the mentioned Syrian are equated with fraud.

However, here’s the thing. International experts suddenly stood up for the accused. «I got acquainted with the work of this person, it seems to me that he is definitely a nugget» – ” Robert Donovan (USA), head of the Commission on Ethics of the Community of Dentists (USA), said in a commentary to a EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE correspondent. – In fact, many dentists around the world can be taught by his example. And the issue with the patient’s tumor is a particular, which does not pose a danger to life. According to Romanian law, she can receive financial compensation and further free medical care».

At the moment, it is not known exactly how many patients ended up in Selim’s chair. Rumor has it that the impostor managed to cure a severe case of jaw inflammation in an employee of a foreign diplomatic mission in Romania.

Whether these merits of his will be taken into account at the trial in Bucharest is unknown.

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