Which of the Ukrainians donated the most to the Armed Forces of Ukraine?

The Ukrainian Institute “New Image Marketing Group” conducted an interesting research, thanks to which it became known what sums were donated from which regions of Ukraine for the needs of the army.

Women VS Men

In surveys, men usually indicate larger amounts of donations. However, they contribute them not systematically, but with intervals, sometimes for more than several months. Women are more stable in this matter, so they donate more often from month to month.

Interesting geography

The research also gave an idea of how different regions of Ukraine help the army. Thus, the percentage of those who did not donate to the Armed Forces of Ukraine was distributed by region as follows:

– West – 13.1%;

– Center – 15.2%;

– South – 24.5%;

– East – 23.9%.

Such numbers can be caused by the fact that residents of the South and East directed part of their donations to the needs of their friends and compatriots who suffered from the bombings and actions of the Russian army. In addition, many of them are forced to become displaced persons, which greatly affects their ability to pay.

Young – green

Young people in the 18-35 age group most actively helped the Armed Forces of Ukraine financially. This is due to two factors:

– an active social position inherent in youth;

– often – the absence of children, which reduces the financial needs of a person or family.

The research also provided information on the amount of money Ukrainians gave to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and volunteers. Most often, these were the following sizes:

– up to 50 UAH – 11%;

– 50-100 UAH – 16%;

– 100-200 UAH – 11%;

– 200-300 UAH – 10%;

– 400-500 UAH – 8.8%;

– 500-1000 UAH – 9.2%.

As much as they can

It should be added that help was not always provided in money, the methods could be different:

– 59.9% – money;

– 19.8% – other own resources (things, equipment, medicines, products, etc.);

– 20.0% – physical and manual assistance (weaving of camouflage nets, cooking, transport services, etc.)

Among all respondents, only 18.2% of Ukrainians did not transfer funds to the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the last quarter.

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