World politicians attack China: from persuasion to ultimatums

The concentration of news with the mention of the PRC has reached its peak, and this is not a coincidence. Right now, this country is choosing its future strategy, on which depends the development of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The leader of China does not speak about it directly, but analysts know how to read between the news lines.

Borrell is going to the PRC

Recently, the number of politicians who want to meet with Xi Jinping is large. The Head of EU diplomacy Josep Borrell also joined them. He noted that the day before, he talked about this with the US Secretary of State Blinken. The main issue that Borrell is going to discuss is China’s membership in the UN Security Council, which is incompatible with supporting the aggressor.

Ursula von der Leyen

A few weeks ago, the head of the European Commission stated that further relations between the EU and the PRC directly depend on the position of the Chinese government in relation to the Kremlin. She emphasized that Xi Jinping himself can fundamentally change the rules of the game in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

President of France

Before flying to China, Macron officially expressed his attitude toward the current situation. He said directly that China has a critical influence on the conflict, which could lead to disaster. That is why the President of France believes that direct and permanent contact with the Chinese is necessary. He himself intends to describe clearly China’s prospects in the case of Russia’s support and maintaining neutrality.

President of Spain

Pedro Sanchez was one of the first, who visited Beijing. There he called for contact with Zelenskyy to discuss a 10-point peace plan prepared by the Ukrainian government. It is not yet known whether the attempt was successful.

Will there be a result?

To understand whether an attack of persuasion and ultimatums will be useful, you need to pay attention to two main clues.

The meeting in Moscow with the leader of China somewhat disappointed the Russian government. The desired full-scale closeness did not happen and Xi Jinping limited himself to broad general gestures within the limits of diplomatic ethics.

The press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Peskov partially criticized the plan for settling the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which was proposed by the PRC. He said that some items there are impossible to fulfill.

Whether there will be a result from the joint efforts that Europe is currently demonstrating, time will tell. However, it can be said definitely that the West is doing its best.

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