Confrontation between Israel and Lebanon: is a new war possible in the Middle East?

Early in the morning on April 7 this year, Israel launched a massive missile and bomb attack on Lebanese territory. This was Tel Aviv’s response to a series of so-called provocations by Beirut, during which 34 rockets were fired at Israeli cities. According to independent experts, the current situation may lead to another round of tension in the Middle East region.

According to official information, the situation escalated on April 5, when as a result of a conflict between Palestinians and Israelis on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. At that time, a group of Muslims barricaded themselves in one of the buildings of a religious cult in order to prevent the implementation of the rite of the Jews on the day of Pesach (Jewish Passover, – Ed.). The Israeli police intervened in the case, actually lifting the «blockade» of the building. At the same time, according to some reports, dozens of people were injured. A few days later, Israel was hit by Qassam rockets fired from Gaza and Lebanon.

Further, the Israeli Air Force attacked the targets of potential militants in Gaza, and then fired at the southern and eastern regions of Lebanon, including the Bekaa Valley. Five civilians were reported dead.

What, in fact, is happening in this region? The conflict arose on the coincidence of the Jewish and Muslim holidays of Pesach and Ramadan, respectively. «Against this background, a conflict could arise even because of the slightest misunderstanding –  Arab politician expert Hasan al-Dami said in a special commentary to a EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE correspondent. – Now it is impossible to say with accuracy who committed the provocation in Jerusalem and why, after that, the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, on the one hand, and Israel, on the other, exchanged blows. In this particular case, a balanced position of the international community at the level of the UN Security Council is needed. Otherwise, a new war in the Middle East is inevitable».

It should be especially noted that the aforementioned confrontation practically overshadowed Israel’s internal problems. It’s no secret that mass demonstrations are taking place across the country today against the unpopular judicial reform. Protesting citizens burned cars and buildings of local administrations, and also threw stones and Molotov cocktails at police patrols. «We don’t care about the [probable] war with Lebanon. We are waging an internal political struggle» – says the manifesto of one of the Israeli organizations.

Be that as it may, Lebanon has put its army on high alert level. 

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