Prigozhin called for an end to the war and believes that defeat is good for Russia

Yevgeny Prigozhin said in an interview that now is the best time to end the war. Such a statement can mean one of two things: either the views of the owner of “Wagner” are completely at odds with the intentions of the Kremlin, or through him, the people of the Russian Federation are prepared for changes at the front.

The second is related to the fact that from the beginning of the war, it was Prigozhin, who was perceived as a greater authority on the issues of the war going on in Ukraine.

“Everything is according to plan

Prigozhin stated that the SMO can be ended since Russia has already achieved its main goals:

– the south and east of Ukrainian lands are occupied;

– a direct connection between the Black and Azov seas is ensured;

– Ukraine has been demilitarized, that is, all enterprises that were somehow connected with the military industry have been destroyed;

– a large part of the male population of military age was killed.

It should be noted that he is mostly right about this.

Better to finish than lose

The owner of “Wagner” said that Ukraine’s spring counterattack has a great chance of success. This will lead to the partial loss of territories captured by the Russian army. In addition, he predicts that in the near future, the elites in the country will soon begin to push the Kremlin to make significant concessions in the war, so it is better to end now before the gained territory is lost and Moscow has weight in the negotiations.

So bad it’s good

Another opinion of Prigozhin is that the defeat in the war can even be useful for Russia because it will cause the growth of the feeling of the general insult of the people and the strengthening of patriotism. These are the same feelings that led the German people to the beginning of World War II already 20 years after the defeat in World War I.

Because of such possible consequences, Yevgeny Prigozhin considers defeat as acceptable as a victory.

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