“Not our conflict”: what is behind the statement of the President of Hungary on Ukraine

The head of Hungary, Katalin Novak, made a truly sensational statement in which she called on Kyiv not to expect “too sacrificial help” from the West in general and Budapest in particular. According to her, the Hungarian state does not plan to “send its children to Ukraine on the battlefield,” and the financial and technical resources of a number of Western countries in the context of the war on Ukrainian territory are “by no means unlimited.”

Novak actually voiced this maxim during negotiations with her Slovenian colleague Natasha Pirc-Musar. As the Hungarian president emphasized, Budapest has already received more than 1.5 million Ukrainian refugees on its territory, and also regularly sends humanitarian supplies to the neighboring state. “Today these volumes are enough,” – she summed up, in particular. And, by the way, she made it clear that not a single Hungarian, wherever he was, would take part in the hostilities in Ukraine. Naturally, if he does not want it.

Nowak’s words caused confusion among analysts both in Hungary itself and in a number of other EU subjects. The fact is that Novak was previously known for her condemnation of Russian aggression in Ukraine. She has repeatedly criticized the incumbent Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for his “pro-Russian views” and contacts with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. What happened now?

Nothing that can change Budapest’s policy towards official Kyiv. And, in all contexts. First of all, Novak made it clear that Hungary is interested in strengthening the positions of the Hungarian minority of the Ukrainian Transcarpathia – up to the creation of the corresponding autonomous regions. Further, Madam President supported, so to speak, the idea proposed by Orban about the “inexpediency” of mobilizing ethnic Hungarians in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, with a caveat – those compatriots who, while living in Ukraine, have Hungarian passports.

And, finally, the main thing: according to Nowak, now Budapest should be guided exclusively by its own economic and political interests. “We intend to independently determine the path of development of our state within the EU,” – she stressed. The Hungarian president did not voice other details.

This is no longer necessary. The day before, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban announced Hungary’s intention to block the introduction of additional EU sanctions against the Russian Federation and categorically ruled out the possibility of providing Ukraine with military support in the form of lethal weapons. “The war in Ukraine is not our conflict,” – he said. And he added that the President of Hungary understands this very well.

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