Every 10th citizen of Ukraine, who received permission to leave the country temporarily during the war, did not return

The majority of Ukrainians who are subject to conscription do not have the right to cross the borders of Ukraine. However, specific categories may get temporary permission to do so. According to data, 10% of such men never return.

Who is allowed to leave?

In total, there are 11 categories that fit under this clarification. The list includes:

– the men who were removed from the register due to health issues or temporarily unfit due to disability;

– the men who are accompanying persons with disabilities;

– military personnel sent for treatment;

– drivers and volunteers;

– railway or sea transport workers;

– athletes and artists, etc.

In case a man belongs to any of these categories but hasn’t obtained official permission, he has no right to leave the territory of Ukraine.

How many people received permits?

Since the start of the war, a total of 96,442 documents have been issued. Surprisingly, nearly 30% of those granted this right did not use it. As a result, only 66,000 men left the country.

Another 3,000 people were not released abroad despite having a permit due to unconfirmed reasons for their departure.

According to the data of the border service, 15% of people with documents for temporary departure did not return to Ukraine on time. This amounts to 9 thousand men with such documents.

The individuals who did not come back mainly were residing in the following regions:

– Kharkiv;

– Ternopil;

– Volyn.

Recently, there has been a decrease in the number of passengers traveling to Europe and other destinations. Additionally, it seems that people seeking temporary permits to leave their country have found ways to resolve their situation.

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