Why the US refused to supply Ukraine with long-range missiles

Representatives of the US White House administration officially confirmed the information that appeared earlier about Washington’s refusal to send a batch of long-range missiles to Kyiv. As noted by senior US officials, this is due to «certain changes in the geopolitical interests of the United States». What exactly is meant by this wording is not explained in Joseph Biden’s team.

It is curious that even venerable world analysts refrain from any comments in this regard. In a number of Western media, very cautious judgments appeared that the supply by America to Ukraine of long-range missile systems such as ATACMS would lead to a significant gap in the defense capability of the United States itself. According to some reports, to date, the American defense industry has not been able to handle the volume of weapons and ammunition already sent by Washington to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

However, there is another assumption. A few weeks ago, the UK announced its intention to provide the armed forces of Ukraine with long-range missiles. «Washington quite rightly considered that the United States should not «interrupt» London’s initiative», – American observer William Connolly noted in a commentary for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. – «At the same time, Pentagon generals are confident that British missiles will be enough to strengthen the Ukrainian armed forces».

And, finally, there is one more opinion, which obviously cannot be disregarded under any conditions. «The White House does not want Ukraine to use American missiles for a possible strike on Russian territory», – Biden’s team said in an explanatory note. True, the same note emphasizes that Washington «does not refuse the idea of providing the Armed Forces of Ukraine with air defense systems, as well as sending tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and ammunition for them to Ukraine». It is assumed that in the foreseeable future the United States of America will still provide Kyiv with several Patriot air defense systems.

Meanwhile, the current UK Foreign Secretary, James Cleverly, expressed hope that the British counterparts to the American missiles would serve the Ukrainian Armed Forces «in a good stead».

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