Moldova breaks ties with Russia

The government of Moldova stated that the country no longer wants to be associated with the Russian Federation, and therefore is determined to withdraw from the Assembly of the CIS.

Everything is legal

Leaving the International Assembly is not a matter of one day. It takes time and legal work to do everything correctly and in the legal field.

The stages of the path will be as follows:

– the initiation of the procedure for Moldova’s withdrawal from the CIS (this was done by the speaker of the parliament Igor Grosu the other day);

– the transfer of relevant documents on the initiation of the procedure to the Prime Minister;

– the preparation of the draft law on withdrawal from the CIS;

– the adoption of the draft law in the parliament.

Why now?

The speaker of the Parliament of Moldova Grosu gave official explanations regarding the country’s withdrawal from the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS. He said that it is unethical to be in a joint association with an aggressor country that attacked another country. In his speech, Igor Grosu called Russia the source of evil, war, and poverty.

At the same time, during the 30 years of independence, Moldova has proven that it wants to develop in a democratic direction and achieve prosperity. In the union with the Russian Federation, this is almost impossible. Staying at the negotiating table with the aggressor is supporting its policy.

Who stayed in the CIS?

The association has existed for 32 years. The union was created as a replacement for the collapsed USSR. It included 11 countries, together with Moldova. In 2009, Georgia left the CIS, and in 2018, Ukraine did the same. Currently, the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan remain there.

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