EU renews trade regime with Ukraine

The Council of the European Union today adopted a document,  which extends the suspension of all customs duties, quotas and trade protection measures on Ukrainian exports to the EU. This regime will remain in force for another year, until June 2024.

“By renewing these measures, the EU continues to demonstrate its unwavering political and economic support for Ukraine, which is still facing unprovoked and unjustified military aggression from Russia,” the EU said in an official statement.

These measures, it said, would help Ukraine maintain stable trade relations with the EU and support the economy in such difficult political and economic conditions.

This decision is important in combination with broad military, financial and humanitarian support from Western countries. It is undeniably important for Ukraine’s economic recovery.

“Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine has a devastating impact on the country’s economy. The renewed autonomous trade measures will unequivocally support Ukraine while giving the EU the opportunity to protect the domestic market from a significant increase in imports of some agricultural products,” Swedish Minister for International Development, Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell said.

The measures adopted concern primarily fruit and vegetables subject to the entry price system, as well as agricultural unprocessed and processed products that are subject to tariff-quota restrictions.

Now that the regulation has been adopted, it will be signed by representatives of the Council and the European Parliament and published in the Official Journal. It is due to enter into force on 6 June.

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