Will Finland prove its worth in NATO?

The day before, an active phase of large-scale exercises of the Air Forces of 14 Western states began in Finland, 12 of which are members of the North Atlantic Alliance. The maneuvers are codenamed “Arctic Challenge”. Independent analysts see a certain symbolism in this.

But really – there is something symbolic in the mentioned teachings. And not only in their name. “There is a quite logical assumption that by agreeing to become the “host” of the “Arctic Challenge” (“AC”), the Finnish side has actually challenged both its closest neighbor Russia and Brussels itself, – said in a special commentary for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE European expert Klaus Hoff. – On the one hand, Helsinki clearly demonstrates to Moscow the ability, together with the Alliance, to counter a threat from outside, and on the other hand, it proves to the “collective West” its viability in NATO.”

Apparently, it will not be easy for Finland to do both. Figuratively speaking, in this particular case, this country was “between a rock and a hard place.” Today, Helsinki is not interested in aggravating the already aggravated contradictions with the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, as a “newcomer” (the state finally joined NATO only this year – Ed.), he must show the Alliance his “strength and unbending power.”

However, whether the Finns will succeed in this is a secondary question. The Arctic Challenge exercises have been regularly held by the countries of the Western military bloc since 2013. Up to 150 military aircraft and about a thousand people participate annually. Now, in addition to Finland, the hosts of the maneuvers are Norway (a NATO member, but not a member of the EU) and Sweden (a neutral country). As part of AC, air fighters from Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Canada, the USA and the Czech Republic are now based at Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish airfields. During the training, it is planned to work out operations to simulate a possible enemy attack from the air, as well as air combat systems. As the influential American publication The Defense Post emphasized yesterday, in this way, NATO aircraft will cover airspace equal to the territory of Poland.

That is why in the near future Helsinki will have to give an account of its ability to participate “on an equal footing among equals in NATO” in any operations of the Alliance. The first relevant “exam” for Finland will be personally taken by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who is arriving in Helsinki this week.

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