Water as a reason for the war between the Taliban and Iran

The right to water for Afghanistan and Iran is as much a stumbling block as the hunger for power over oil fields in many countries. This is what caused a new outbreak of war in the region.

Deathly thirst

The essence of the conflict is that the Helmand River originates in the mountains of Afghanistan and carries water to Iran’s Sistan province. There, its riverbed flows into the lake, which periodically dries up.

Now another dry period has started in Iranian Sistan, and this has become the beginning of accusing the Afghans of building dams, which caused the diversion of water, which in turn had a fatal effect on the arid regions.

The beginning of a great war?

The beginning was the capture of the border base of Iran by the Taliban. Three people died during the attack, two of them are border guards. After that, a more massive gathering of troops from Afghanistan to the Iranian border began.

Big plans

The Taliban are determined. They said that this is the beginning of the fight against corrupt Iran, and they will do everything possible to bring down the current regime. The plans indicate the conquest of Iran.

Afghanistan, in turn, officially accused the Taliban of starting the confrontation and violating the borders, while calling for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations. However, it is clear that the party that declares that it plans to seize the territory of its enemy will not go to negotiations.

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