«On their own minds»: why Blinken’s visit to China cannot be called «historical»

On Sunday, June 18, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrived on an official visit to the Chinese People’s Republic. Leading international media devoted their main informational and analytical materials to this event. Also – the arrival of the head of the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing was successfully carried out for the first time in the last five years. According to protocol data, Blinken has already been given a «warm friendly welcome» in China. However, with some caveats.

It should be especially noted that the specified visit of the head of diplomacy of the United States to China is taking place in the context of difficult relations between Washington and Beijing. First of all, because at the moment China is aiming to strengthen ties with the Russian Federation, strengthen its yuan currency on world exchanges and, finally, extend its military influence to a number of territories in South-Eastern Asia. On the other hand, the United States proclaimed its new policy of “deterrence” of the implementation of the above-mentioned ambitious plans of Beijing.

So, how did Blinken come to China? First of all, the head of the American State Department proposed to the Chinese authorities a plan for the settlement of the possible conflict in the region of Taiwan, indicated the position of the White House on the situation in Ukraine, and also expressed the opinion about the possible lifting of US sanctions on a number of Chinese companies. All these points were voiced by the head of the State Department during the Sunday meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese People’s Republic of China Qin Gan and today’s consultations with a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Wang Yi.

At the same time, during both meetings, the hopes of the Washington ambassador were largely unfulfilled. First, Qin Gan told the western colleague that the United States has no moral and political right to interfere in the internal affairs of China in its relations with Taipei. “America should observe the principles of the “united Chinese state” and refuse to support Taiwanese separatists”, – he noted, in particular. And he added that the resumption of broad contacts between Beijing and Washington will be based exclusively on the principles of mutual respect. Если так можно вразиться, «масла в огонь подлил» Van I. He observed that the States should come to terms with the thought of the multipolarity of the world.

What exactly did Blinken talk to Van? However, its essence is clear: the parties tried to exchange opinions regarding the geopolitical situation.

«Who in this case persuaded or set up his «wave», can only be guessed, – said the American political observer William Connolly in a comment for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. – It gives the impression that both the guest and the politicians who accept him were “on their own”, initially refusing to make any concessions to each other. Хочется верить, что в ходе виста Blinken, this stereotype will be destroyed».

It’s possible. It is assumed that future negotiations between the head of the Chinese People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping and his American colleague Joseph Biden depend on the success of the mission of the current head of the US State Department.

Everything else will show time.

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