Hungary takes an example from Russia in disregarding international law: 11 Ukrainian prisoners of war are held in the country

After the case of the transfer of Ukrainian prisoners of war gained publicity in the international community, progress was made in this situation. However, Hungary increasingly looks more like Kremlin vassals.

How were events developed?

On June 8, the Russian Orthodox Church reported that Russia had released prisoners of war to Hungary. However, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine had not yet received official confirmation of this transfer, as required by international law, which raised several questions. Consequently, the authenticity of the information had to be verified.

The Deputy Prime Minister of Hungary told the truth. He confirmed the fact of the transfer of Ukrainian citizens. Kyiv emphasized that the Ukrainian government has not received official reports regarding the negotiations between Moscow and Budapest about the preparation of such a transfer of Ukrainian citizens. At the same time, they demanded complete information about the prisoners and sent a request to organize their contact with the Ukrainian consul in Hungary.

Only on June 16, the information about the whereabouts and personal information of 11 Ukrainian citizens was made public.

The matter is dark

The Hungarian side assured that Ukrainians have a free status, but it turned out that this is not true:

– prisoners of war were not allowed to contact Ukrainian diplomats despite all efforts;

– they are cut off from sources of information;

– it is forbidden to communicate with relatives without the supervision of third parties.

In fact, the regime of their stay in Hungary can be called forced isolation.

The world of impunity

Ukrainian diplomats have been attempting to establish contact with the prisoners through legal and official channels for several days in order to assess their physical and mental condition. However, Budapest simply ignores the consul’s request, which may be considered a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Experts and observers point out that the past year marked a peak in the violation of human rights without consequence, making the situation outrageous but almost natural. The world continues to demonstrate its inability to rein in the brutal governments of countries that they will get away with anything.

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