The USA has withdrawn a number of sanctions against PMC “Wagner”: the truth is buried very deep

When Prigozhin’s rebellion suddenly ended, all conscious people understood that the opposing sides had come to an agreement. It was immediately clear that the consequences would unfold gradually for a long time. The withdrawal of sanctions against PVK “Wagner” was one of the significant events that occurred as a result.

Perhaps it seems to some that there is no connection between these two events. In fact, the USA was very tense during the rebellion in Russia, because Prigozhin had a real chance to capture the military leadership of the Russian Federation. Allowing a shaky situation in a nuclear country is an extreme risk. Therefore, in this case, “bad” Putin is better than some “dark horse”.

What sanctions?

From June 27, a number of sanctions should be deployed against PMC “Wagner”. However, this did not apply to those units that were recently located on Ukrainian territories, but to those operating in Africa.

It is a fact that African countries have the right to employ private military companies for their security. PMC “Wagner” is one such company operating in 12 countries, but their brutal actions cause a reaction from many international organizations.

But it is not only about justice but also about huge finances. Only in Burkina Faso, the companies associated with Russian mercenaries get the right to mine gold. African governments allow Russian mercenaries to steal resources in exchange for military support.

Given this information, the recent visit of African country leaders to Putin takes on a new perspective.

Washington’s version

Despite the prevalence of political and economic corruption, society tends to avoid seeking the truth, especially when it is presented with the official version of events. As a result, the USA has declared a suspension of sanctions against the Wagnerites in order to avoid being accused of supporting any particular party involved in the failed coup in Russia.

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