Putin’s presidency is under serious threat: his candidacy will probably not be in the 2024 elections

It seems that the star of the “great geopolitician” is slowly fading. The beginning of the end of the era was accelerated by Prigozhin’s strange rebellion. Many believed that it ended in nothing, however, in fact, this rebellion has many consequences. One of them is the fact that Putin lost his chances to become the President of the Russian Federation again. He knows this very well.

Markers of defeat

The reaction of the elites was the first swallow. They did not rally around the Kremlin idol but first rushed to save themselves and their families. Essentially, they left the President, proving to him that he cannot count on them. From this follows several conclusions:

– the elites do not believe in the Kremlin’s ostentatious power and control over the situation;

– they allow the option of forceful seizure of power and are already ready for it morally;

– the elites have no intention to support Putin in his efforts to stabilize the situation.

The attempted rebellion led to the collapse of the image of the President of the Russian Federation as a guarantor of stability and security, which had been established for the last two decades.

The image has been lost not only in the eyes of the electorate but also in the eyes of the Russian elites. Even worse, it was not Putin who announced the end of the strange uprising, but Prigozhin himself. This proved once again that the current President does not control and does not solve the situation.

Money decides everything

A few hours after the end of the rebellion of PMC “Wagner”, the elites conducted an analysis of what happened. The main conclusion is that Russian power structures almost did not resist. That is, Putin no longer has the main trump card that helps maintain power in Russia.

If this is so, then it makes no sense to spend money on a broad election campaign for this political corpse. Capital is something that always plays an important role. That is why it is increasingly likely that Putin will not go to the next election. Moreover, the chances of winning the sympathy of the electorate will be with the candidate who chooses a radically different position, as opposed to the one that led the country to a dead end.

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