Israel explained why it does not provide weapons to Ukraine

The Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, provided a detailed explanation in response to US Secretary of Defense Lloyd’s appeal for Israel to join those countries that actively participate in military aid to Ukraine. The answer was quite comprehensive.

Everything is logical

The position of Israel differs sharply from such countries as Germany, France, Great Britain, and Poland because their situation is different. If weapons were transferred from Jerusalem to Ukraine, they would inevitably end up in the possession of Iran – the ancient enemy of the Jews. This will occur after the weapons are seized by the Russian military as trophies, which is essential for any conflict. Ultimately, Russia will pass on these gains to Iran.

The scalded cat fears cold water

If it seems to someone that such a possibility is purely theoretical, then he is mistaken. Israel has already faced such a situation where trophy weapons were used against it. This is the reason for such a cautious approach.

It should be noted that Israeli and Russian military forces share a common border in Syrian airspace. Therefore, the Israeli side is determined to maintain freedom of action against any Iranian attempts to establish positions near its northern borders. Providing aid to Ukraine would disrupt this delicate balance.

Not only in the interests of the country

There is another reason why politicians in Israel have been showing restraint towards Russia, and it is not necessarily a noble one. The reality is that the overwhelming majority of Israeli citizens are pro-Russian. In order to maintain their position and support from the public, politicians must adapt to the general demand.

Nevertheless, Israel will continue to provide assistance to refugees from Ukraine, which is also important.

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