Aggravation on the border between Poland and Belarus: a thousand soldiers and two hundred units of armored vehicles have been sent

Europe responded to the so-called “military training” of Belarus and the deployment of military reserves to its borders by reinforcing its own borders.

They shake the iron

Belarusian mass media reported that, despite previous plans, joint military training with the Russian Federation was extended for another week.

The training was held according to schedule until July 8 and 9. It was conducted with great intensity, and some training grounds even had training without any days off. Examples of such locations include:

– “Domanovo”;

– “Lepelsky”;

– ” Asipovichsky”;

– “Obuz-Lisnivsky”.

The Lithuanians lost their nerve

Last week, Lithuania declared that their border services will conduct more thorough inspections of citizens from Belarus and the Russian Federation entering their country. They will also be giving extra attention to the following areas:

– transit cars;

– trucks;

– increased verification of documents and visas.

According to the Minister of the Interior of Lithuania, the possibility of closing the border entirely cannot be ruled out if the country’s risks escalate.

According to Belarus, Lithuania unilaterally blocked the pass at the Miadininkai point. As a result, Minsk accused their neighbor of trying to escalate the situation by creating queues in the border zone.

A logical step

In response to Belarus unexpectedly extending the presence of Russian military formations near the border, Poland has taken measures to strengthen the protection of its border territories. Another thousand soldiers have been deployed to supplement the units already stationed there, and two hundred armored vehicles have been brought in.

The command of the Armed Forces of Poland explained their move because they wanted to demonstrate full readiness for attempts to destabilize the situation on the border.

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