Washington will provide Kyiv with cluster munitions. For what?

Last Friday, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan officially announced Washington’s intention to supply Ukraine with a large consignment of cluster munitions. According to Sullivan, this type of weapon will allow the Armed Forces of Ukraine to achieve significant success in the counteroffensive in the Donbass. At the same time, such a decision by Washington caused a mixed reaction even among the United States’ allies in NATO.

It should be especially noted that the corresponding idea, proposed by a number of American politicians, was not immediately approved by the head of the American state, Joseph Biden. Earlier, the owner of the White House expressed concern about the possible consequences of such an action. They say that cluster shells are prohibited by international conventions, and the use of bombs of this type can lead to large-scale casualties among the civilian population. However, the lobbyists managed to convince the president of the exceptional need for a deal. First, the much publicized counter-offensive by the Ukrainian armed forces is advancing at a relatively slow pace. Secondly, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have a shortage of “conventional” ammunition. And, finally, thirdly, the United States itself does not have the opportunity to regularly send “traditional” missiles to Kyiv in the previously announced volumes.

“We have already made the necessary orders to our defense enterprises, but it will take at least six months to complete them, – Sullivan summed up, in particular. – At the same time, a huge number of cassette counterparts have accumulated in the Pentagon’s warehouses, which our army has not used for a long time”. And here, Biden himself made a statement, emphasizing that, in this way, America would be able to make an almost invaluable contribution to the approaching Ukrainian victory. True, here he hastened to make a reservation and stressed that Washington itself would insist on the “humane use” of this type of weapon by the Ukrainian army.

What exactly is meant by the last wording, Biden did not specify. However, analysts, including some German and French army generals, have expressed doubt that cluster bombs can be used “humanely” or “carefully” at all. It’s all about the system of specified ammunition. Such a bomb that opens in flight carries hundreds of charges that affect all life within a radius of up to 500 meters. In addition, its individual elements, which did not detonate when falling to the ground, may will explode months or even years after the mentioned use.

Be that as it may, Washington insists that in this particular case we are talking about the transfer to Kiev of high-quality and relatively modern units, which, if military operations are carried out competently, pose a minimal threat to the civilian population. It is assumed that the first batch of “clusters” will arrive in Ukraine within the next few weeks.

How much ammunition will be supplied by the United States to Kyiv has not yet been reported. Curiously, in this context, Washington makes no secret of this. “We will provide the Armed Forces of Ukraine within the framework of military necessity, – the document of the American military department says. – In the future, it will be possible to consider the continuation of the contract as part of large-scale military assistance, as well as an increase in the volume of deliveries”.

At the same time, the United States notes that they do not call on NATO partners to follow their example and share the relevant types of weapons with Kiev. Yes, this, as practice shows, is not necessary today.

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