Putin is looking for a way out of an unpleasant situation: the decision not to punish “Wagner” was desperate

The President of Russia is currently facing a difficult situation. Initially, he declared that those who participated in the rebellion were traitors and would be brought to justice. However, after a few hours, he promised not to prosecute and punish the group known as “Wagner”. Now, his top priority is to find a solution that will not cause any further loss of trust from the people.

Presidential farce

The decision made has turned the previous statement into a farce, putting under attack not only Putin but also his subordinates. To understand the logic of what is happening in the Kremlin behind the scenes, it is important to remember the chronology of events:

1. There was an intention to dissolve the military group of PMС “Wagner”.

2. This led to a rebellion, the leader of which was Prigozhin.

3. The president promised not to persecute the participants of the rebellion.

4. The Ministry of Defense continues to recruit servicemen to “Wagner” and signs contracts.

What is the problem?

According to military analysts, there is a misunderstanding between Putin and high-ranking Russian security forces on how to interact with the Wagner units, their commanders, and soldiers. The pendulum of subordination and unconditional execution of orders swung seriously.

Currently, how to resolve this issue is unknown.

Where did the radicalism go?

Now, it is impossible to completely dissolve the PMC as they are the most competitive units of the Russian army, despite any misunderstandings. Due to the current issues, which Russia faces in Ukraine, it is impractical to remove them from the situation because there is no quality replacement.

Keeping things as they are would lead to discrediting the President and constantly reminding about the lack of control over the state’s security forces. This cannot be allowed as it could result in the transfer of power to someone else.

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