Leave beautifully: who benefits from the resignation of the British Defense Minister

On the eve of the head of the defense department of the United Kingdom, Ben Wallace announced his intention to permanently leave his post. It is assumed that he will generally leave politics and engage in private business. What prompted one of the most popular representatives of the British establishment to abandon the political struggle?

Wallace is known for his propensity to make radically opposite decisions. At the beginning of this year, he advocated financial and military assistance to Ukraine. “We need to support the Ukrainian authorities in Kyiv’s desire to defend the territorial integrity and democratic values ​​by Kiev”, – he noted, in particular. And a little later he said that London has other geopolitical interests besides focusing on the problems of the same Ukraine. During the conversation with Vladimir Zelensky at the NATO summit in Vilnius, he generally reminded the Kyiv leader that the West is “not an online store, and it makes no sense to demand the latest military developments from it.”

Subsequently, Wallace was forced to respond to criticism from Washington over his latest statement. Say, at that time he had in mind the need to reduce the “charitable spending” of Great Britain in particular and the North Atlantic Alliance as a whole. As it turns out, this excuse “didn’t work.” According to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the resignation of the UK Defense Minister “would be the logical end to Wallace’s career.”

But not so long ago, some analysts predicted the so-called “Iron Ben” as the head of the government of Foggy Albion. “He had every chance of becoming prime minister in the upcoming elections, – European political commentator Klaus Hoff said in a commentary for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. – It is quite obvious that he simply did not want to participate in political battles and preferred to “resign beautifully.”

What is meant by the phrase “beautifully leave”, the expert did not explain. Meanwhile, Wallace himself has already told reporters that he does not intend to live exclusively on a pension. “For example, I can make my youthful dream come true and get a job as a bartender”, –  he summed.

Be that as it may, Iron Ben will remain in his position until September of this year. Who will replace him is unknown. It is not known who is still beneficial of cardinal personnel changes in the defense department of Great Britain.

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