The search for political Viagra: Putin’s rating among Russians fell to a record low after the events with Wagner

The Kremlin has its own way of conducting sociology. It doesn’t necessarily reflect the world’s reality but instead publishes results that agree with the views of the Moscow leadership. However, even with this approach, they have been unsuccessful, as the Russian Public Opinion Research Center has revealed that the current situation is not good.

Minus popularity

The survey was conducted for a week, from July 3 to 9, and the resulting data showed that the level of trust that the Russian population has in Putin has reached a record low.

In recent years, the trust rating has experienced three significant failures:

– The first occurred immediately after the start of the SMO ( the survey was conducted from February 22 to 27, 2022);

– The second was caused by the announcement of mass mobilization in the autumn of 2022.

– The third was due to the rebellion of the PMC “Wagner”.

Russian Public Opinion Research Center is a pro-government organization, which is known for giving overly optimistic assessments about certain things. However, they didn’t even try to hide a clear trend this time – the number of Russians who do not trust the current government has increased significantly.

Russians are sobering up

Based on the data of the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, now almost every fifth Russian does not trust the actions of the Kremlin, deeming them inadequate and irrational. Another 16.1% of citizens disapprove of the decisions made by the Kremlin but not to the same extent as the previous group.

If you add to this the fact that confusion and irreconcilable disagreements now reign among the command of the Russian Federation, you can understand how dangerous anti-record ratings the survey revealed.

“Viagra” for rating

However, as history shows, citizens of the Russian Federation are very easily manipulated. A similar situation with the ratings of support and trust of the current President of the Russian Federation is not the first. However, each time to stabilize his position, he uses the same tactic: he identifies an external enemy that poses a threat to Russians and promises to protect the country from this danger. Analysts predict that the nuclear threat from the USA and Europe may soon be portrayed as the next “evil”.

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