Putin announced that he is ready to go to war with Poland

At the regular meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, President Putin announced several postulates that indicate Russia’s future course. He paid special attention to Poland.

The main points of his speech can be considered separately.

Ungrateful neighbor

In his speech, Putin reminded that the restoration of Poland’s independence is a gift from the Soviet Union, just like the Western Polish lands received after the end of the Second World War.

First of all, it is about Gdansk, which is the same point of conflict as Crimea. For a long time, it was considered a disputed territory between the Germans and the Poles. The active phase of the Second World War began precisely with the fact that Germany claimed this resort, which it needed for military and strategic purposes, just as the Ukrainian Crimea was for Russia at the time.

Poland will seize Ukraine

Also, the President of the country, which makes war to seize Ukrainian territories, said that the lands of Western Ukraine are at risk of occupation by Poland. He said that the formation of a Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian association is planned, which is a continuation of the aggressive policy of the Polish government.

Interesting about the history

Putin blamed the West for what happened to Poland from 1939 to 1945 when Poland was left in the hand of the Germans. And only Stalin acted in the interests of the Poles. He did not mention the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact and the occupation of the eastern part of Poland by Russian troops.

Another aggressor empire

Another postulate among those voiced concerns the fact that the Polish government “dreams” of Belarusian territories. Putin noted that Poland has long had imperial ambitions, but Russia is ready to defend Belarus as its partner.

After the meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, there was no doubt that the Russian government has identified another enemy as ungrateful and belligerent as Ukraine.

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