New start: when will Ukraine launch a ship to the Moon?

The new so-called “Lunar program” of the Russian Federation, which was marked by the successful launch of the new station “Luna-25” to the surface of the Earth’s natural satellite, caused an unexpected reaction in dozens of countries around the world. India, Pakistan and China announced their intention to send their own devices to the Moon, and the United States announced the continuation of the EES development program. According to independent experts, Ukraine will also announce its “space ambitions” in the near future. Is it possible to implement this idea?

At first glance, no. Moreover, by definition: today Ukraine, which is in the maelstrom of war, cannot afford any scientific developments. In addition, the main “donors” of Kyiv, represented by the United States and the European Union, focused their attention exclusively on military support for the Ukrainian state. However, there is another, so to speak, side of the coin. The same “donors” do not rule out the possibility of joint activities with Ukraine to explore the lunar surface. “Today, dozens of talented Ukrainian scientists work in NASA centers,” American observer William Connolly said in a commentary for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. that Ukraine is still considered a space power.”

There is another aspect that cannot be ignored in this context. It is possible that in the foreseeable future Ukraine will become part of the international space exploration program. “The achievements of Ukrainians can be useful for relevant EU programs,” French journalist Marie Pyudeba emphasizes for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. “Why not.”

But there is no answer to this question yet. According to the latest data, official Kyiv is indeed considering the possibility of at least a partial presence of Ukraine in international space programs.

Whether this will work out, whether the same Kyiv will be able to start a new updated start – time will tell.

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