Kindness has ended: Kyiv is being forced to suspend visa-free travel with Israel

Diplomats report a new aggravation of relations between Ukraine and Israel, which may affect visa-free travel. Tel Aviv was warned that the Ukrainian authorities are considering suspending the visa-free regime for Israeli citizens. This news sounded especially threatening just before September. What is the reason for such unkindness on the part of Kyiv?

All roads lead to Uman

The peak of visits to Ukraine by Israeli citizens always falls in September, because it is in this month that Jews celebrate Rosh Hashanah – the Jewish New Year. One of the most famous and respected Hasidim willed his followers to celebrate this day at least once in their lives at his grave, which is located in Uman.

On the one hand, this turns a small Ukrainian city into a pulsating center of tourism and pilgrimage, which leads to an increase in prices for housing, hotels, hostels, meals in cafes and restaurants, etc.

On the other hand, the local population suffers from the mess, bunches of garbage, noise, and other side effects during the celebration. This year, Rosh Hashanah falls on September 15-17, and as last year shows, even war doesn’t force Hasidim to come to Uman.

What does Tel Aviv want?

Recently, a negative trend has been clearly emerging in the granting of visa-free entry to Ukrainians to the territory of Israel.

You can understand the scale of refusals by comparing the following periods:

– first half of 2022 – refusal was received 1300 times;

– half a year of 2023 – the similar indicator has increased almost 2 times and is 2037 times.

In addition to the numbers, Ukrainians complain about rude treatment by employees of the migration service. However, the most important thing is that Tel Aviv refuses to make contact. The ambassador of Ukraine has been trying to arrange a meeting with the Minister of Internal Affairs of Israel for six months. Such a meeting could shed light on the reasons for frequent refusals, but the Israeli side refuses to engage in dialogue.

The situation is unpleasant

Recently, this is not an isolated case of aggravation of diplomatic relations. The picture is complemented by the following moments:

– Tel Aviv suspended the medical insurance program for refugees from Ukraine. It was possible to restore its operation only after the insistence of Kyiv.

– The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine considered the possibility of excluding the representative of Israel from the Ramstein contact group due to the suspicion of “leaking” information to a third party and the stable lack of assistance.

Therefore, the situation must be resolved before it escalates further.

Religion VS War

Therefore, the Ukrainian authorities decided to act decisively, the result of which was the threat to end visa-free travel just before the Jewish New Year.

Despite the danger, Hasidim intend to visit Uman this year. The expected number is even more than that year. Obstacles such as the war and the coronavirus have not stopped the Hasidim before. Despite the recommendations of the Ukrainian authorities, the expected number of Hasidim who intend to come to Uman has increased by 7,000 compared to 2022 and is more than 30,000.

Some doubt that the visa-free ban will be effective. During the restrictions due to the coronavirus, this did not stop Orthodox Jews: a crowd formed on the border between Ukraine and Belarus, begging to let them into the holy place. Since the celebration in Uman then took place, it means that someone was able to cross the border illegally.

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