Torture as an official policy of Russia: highlights from the UN representative’s report on the war in Ukraine

In an interview with The New York Times, the authorized representative of the UN made a stunning statement. She noted that, according to the organization, torture is part of the state policy of the Russian Federation. Such a loud statement is very symbolic for the UN and indicates a change in the rhetoric of this organization.

This representative was expert Alice Jill Edwards.

Characteristics of the inhuman

The most important thing is that inhumane, cruel treatment is not only about the soldiers who were captured but also about civilians.

Edwards named the main features of this phenomenon:

– such actions are not isolated;

– they are not accidental;

– they are organized for mass intimidation, punishment, or obtaining information.

This became a system of practice for persons in captivity and occupied territories.

Arsenal of torture

Among the list of means used by the Russian military, the UN expert listed the following ones:

– electric shocks (most often – on the ears and genitals);

– simulation of execution by shooting or drowning;

– violent forcing to stay in unnatural positions for a long time;

– deprivation of food and water;

– threats of rape and execution of both the person and his relatives.

The experts received these data from the surviving witnesses. Obviously, not all of them lived to testify, and it is currently impossible to establish the exact number of such persons.

But one of the most significant factors for the UN is that these actions of security forces on Ukrainian territories are organized at the state level and approved by the country’s leadership.

The representative of the UN, Alice Jill Edwards, also emphasized that she has repeatedly appealed to the Russian authorities to resolve this issue, but she has not been answered. That is, Russia has decisively stopped the dialogue with the world.

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