The example is contagious: is an “extraordinary” EU expansion possible?

The former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria, Alexander Schallenberg, made an official statement calling on the European Union to urgently consider food supply before the structure of the new member states iv. In other words, we must allow “to establish parity in geopolitics” and not allow Russia to increase its influence on the borders of the state. Based on the remaining data, this initiative was readily accepted in Brussels. Why?

There is no unambiguous evidence for this nutrition either from European politicians or international observations. The first of them are keen to appreciate that EU enlargement will become a serious driving factor for Russia, as it will literally conquer new territories in Ukraine by fire and sword. Others are calling for the need to force the EU economy to increase the supply base of new participants.

But the fact is eclipsed by the fact: Schallenberg’s statement was made in advance of a publicized scathing report about the country to the European Union. Before the speech, the main report – the European Commission’s policymaker Ursula von der Leyen – had previously been repeatedly cited as a benefit of the expansion of the political-economic policy agenda. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been talking about an “enlarged Europe” for days, saying that more money in the United Europe will be an alternative to the “violent enlargement of Russia” for rich countries.

Besides, it’s a good place to wash yourself. The same Scholz many years ago transferred any changes to the EU no earlier than 2030. Moreover, the powers themselves could lay claim to membership without specifying.

So, in principle, nothing is needed. “Almost everyone is talking about the prospects for integration in the EU region of Kosovo and the Republic of Macedonia, as well as parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” said French political observer Marie P’udeba in a commentary for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. before and before, it is important to join the European Union “I would like parts of Ukraine to conclude that Russia’s butt has turned out to be contagious. However, with the replacement of Moscow, Europe is expanding, including in a peaceful way.”

In fact, the thought of Kiev, Pristina, Skop’et and Sarajeva will not disapprove of whose food. Based on these data, all applicants for membership in the EU have the power to enter the structure.

As if it were not there, the regular power supply will be turned on until the day of the meeting of the European Political Assembly. The visit is scheduled for the 5th day of the production line near Madrid.

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