Love is the price of war: countries with the highest divorce rates

The statistical resource World of Statistics has updated data on which countries have the highest divorce rate. Ukraine also appears at the TOP-5 list for this indicator. It appeared there a few months after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia into its territories.

Three leaders

Interestingly, developed European countries show the highest divorce rates, and this trend has remained stable in recent decades. These are the following countries:

– Portugal – 94%;

– Spain – 85%;

– Luxembourg – 79%.

As experts explain, these indicators are not related to the depth of love but to more pragmatic issues. First of all, with the extent to which the ex-husband and wife can provide themselves with housing after the divorce. In the countries that occupy the first three places in the ranking, they either have their accommodation (not with their parents) or can afford to rent housing.

It is also important how high the level of support (financial, etc.) is on average provided by the ex-partner to the one with whom the children remained.

Neighbors in misfortune

The belligerent states were placed in the fourth and fifth places with the following results:

– Russia – 73%;

– Ukraine – 70%.

Here, the reasons for high indicators are more often hard life and low incomes.

In Ukraine, the rate of divorces in recent years has been significantly influenced by the emigration factor. Many Ukrainian women left abroad at the beginning of the war, which became the reason for the fading of relations in many families.

In Ukraine and Russia, these data only deepen the demographic crisis that has already begun, and according to all forecasts, it will reach a terrible level in the coming years.

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