One can officially be a vassal now: a social rating system is being introduced in Russia.

Life in Russia increasingly resembles a dystopian novel. Another step in this direction was the testing of the social rating system. What it is and how to live with it, read further in the article.

The development model was the system operating in China. The Service will track and aggregate personal data such as:

– presence and number of children;

– civil status;

– credit history;

– activity in social networks;

– activity in the social sphere;

– sporting activities;

– presence of criminal records;

– sources of income;

– knowledge of several languages;

– education, etc.

Based on the analysis results of all parameters, the person will be assigned a code that will determine his status.

In the image and likeness

In China, such a system has been operating since 2014. It is mainly used to encourage or punish citizens depending on their rating.

Owners of a high rating have the following advantages:

– access to better universities or more prestigious specialties;

– opportunity to occupy better positions, etc.

People with a high rating have an attractive status in the eyes of society.

At the same time, those whose rating is low are not just deprived of all these advantages but also face the following:

– travel ban;

– restrictions on obtaining loans;

– refusal of some services, etc.

At first glance, the system is not so terrible. Perhaps it even encourages someone to develop and make positive changes in life. However, upon closer examination, the principles that, for example, were guided by the Nazis during World War II, dividing people into groups and categories, are too visible. Since the Russian authorities have been demonstrating a similar tendency in their policy for a long time, and this tendency is deepening very quickly, there is no reason to be surprised.

Is someone unhappy?

There are many opponents to the social rating system. They sound the alarm because this system has negative consequences that are unacceptable in modern society:

– use for political purposes;

– violation of human rights and freedoms.

However, human rights violations in both the Russian Federation and China are not news. In the Celestial Empire, in the coming years, the system is going to be deepened in such areas as the economy, education, health care, etc.

Interestingly, similar schemes are described in Orwell’s “1984” (whose work is banned in Russia and Belarus, as it was in the USSR), and something similar is also illustrated in one episode of the famous animated series “The Simpsons.”

The only thing left for Russians to console themselves with is that they live like heroes of novels or TV series. And which ones exactly is the second question.

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