No longer the best: the reason for the MOSSAD fiasco

For 50 years, Israel’s foreign intelligence service has remained the gold standard for intelligence and spies. Even the CIA could not boast such results, brilliant operations, and the ability to learn everything before anyone else. However, the recent attack by Hamas militants on Israel was a bolt from the blue, and the world’s best intelligence missed it. The reason for the failure can probably be expressed in just one word – Huawei.

A planned impromptu

Now, it is already known that mass attacks were planned for a long time. More than six months ago, unofficial negotiations were held on the supply of drones and missiles that would enable a lightning attack. The development of the last details of the operation had been going on since August, and it was all happening under the very nose of MOSSAD.

How could such a reputable and experienced service miss the many signs of what was coming? After all, its ranks include approximately 7,000 people, the best of the best in their field. The work is always clear and impeccable, and the details of operations have not been revealed for decades. Even the name of the head of the service was classified information until almost the 2000s.

Morally outdated?

The Israeli intelligence service successfully uses eavesdropping, working undercover, and hacking. However, this time, everything turned out to be ineffective. The reason is the digital technology used by members of Hamas.

The fact is that the vast majority of Palestinian militants and their leadership use Huawei smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Specialists in digital technology comment that smartphones of this particular brand are resistant to eavesdropping. It seems that the leaders of the Hamas movement were aware of this, and in such a simple way, they were protected from eavesdropping by Western intelligence services.

After knowing this, the information regarding the stubborn efforts of the USA to impose sanctions on Huawei looks a little different, and the reasons for such stubbornness are powerful and understandable.

Al-Qaeda member Aiman Dean also confirmed the data that Hamas leaders used mainly smartphones of this brand. Al-Qaeda is another major terrorist organization that works with Hamas.

So, one of the possible reasons why MOSSAD was left without information for so long is Huawei. Of course, it is not the only one, but all modern intelligence agencies increasingly rely on eavesdropping. This failure will force a significant revision of intelligence methods and tools, not only in Israel but throughout the world.

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