On the verge of collapse: EU countries introduce a “terrorist threat” regime

The day before, European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson suggested that in the near future the United Europe may face an unprecedented increase in extremism. According to the official, against the backdrop of events in Israel, thousands of radicals throughout the territory from Norway to Portugal are ready to begin the next stage of the struggle against “Western values.” Johansson sees the only way out of this situation as the introduction of a common “terrorist threat” regime for the EU. Some EU states have already followed this advice.

It is not difficult to guess which states we are talking about. Let us remind you that on the evening of October 16 in Brussels, a certain native of Tunisia shot and killed two football fans from Sweden. And on October 13, a native of Russian Chechnya broke into a school in the French city of Aras and killed three people, including a teacher and a teenager. These crimes were committed by Islamic fanatics on religious grounds.

Despite the fact that the authorities of Belgium and France initially did not try to connect these incidents with the situation in Israel, citizens of several EU countries professing Judaism were subsequently advised to “exercise particular caution.” Among such countries are Austria, Denmark, Germany and Italy: it is in these countries that the Arab diaspora in particular and the Islamic diaspora in general are traditionally strong. Moreover, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, did not rule out the possibility of deporting from the EU all citizens suspected of terrorist activities.

In addition, Sweden, the Netherlands and Greece announced their intention to revise the main points of their migration legislation. In Poland, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, police patrols have been strengthened and some army units have been placed on high alert.

“There is an understandable opinion that the EU is on the verge of a nervous breakdown,” European commentator Yiannis Papadonis said in a special commentary for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. “In order to normalize the situation and reassure the local population, the EU leadership will have to sharply tighten European legal bases”.

Be that as it may, in the near future, Europeans will really have to agree to the inconveniences within the framework of the new anti-terrorism program of official Brussels.

Whether this program will be effective will become known by the end of this year.

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