There is hope: the US and the EU will discuss the possibility of reconciliation between Russia and Ukraine

Representatives of the United States of America and the European Union plan to begin discussing a plan for possible peaceful consultations between Russia and Ukraine. NBC television reported this with reference to information from a high-ranking source in the American White House. According to some reports, officials in the Ukrainian government are already involved in the process. In this context, some experts predict that the authors of the idea will receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

By the way, the names and surnames of the relevant potential peacekeepers are kept in the strictest confidence. Previously, members of the US National Security Council spoke in favor of these consultations, and United States President Joseph Biden spoke in favor of Washington using “all levers of influence” on the opposing sides of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

In addition, NATO leadership did not rule out the possibility of providing Ukraine with additional security guarantees designed to “restrain the Kremlin’s aggressive steps.” It is also unknown who acts or will act as mediators in the likely negotiations between Moscow and Kyiv, however, according to insider information, politicians and diplomats in Germany and France may become such.

What made the West talk about even a temporary truce between the Russian Federation and Ukraine? Over the past few weeks, stories have regularly appeared in the American and European media expressing skepticism about Ukraine’s ability to win the war against Russia. Commentators argued that the fighting had reached a dead end, and that the Ukrainian Armed Forces themselves were simply running out of combat-ready forces.

“Against the backdrop of all of the above, the only way out of the current situation could really be negotiations,” said French political commentator Marie Pudebat in a special commentary for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. “And there is hope for their successful outcome – especially if Washington and Brussels “they will be able to persuade Moscow and Kiev to show even the minimal desire for dialogue.” However, the expert could not answer the question of how soon the world will witness such a dialogue.

Apparently not anytime soon. Officially, US authorities continue to deny discussing any Ukrainian-Russian negotiations with Kiev. “Any decisions about such contacts remain with Ukraine,” said US Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson. However, neither Kyiv nor Moscow expressed readiness for this dialogue.

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