Too many: there are not enough places for Russian prisoners of war

The camps where the prisoners of war of the occupiers are kept on the territory of Ukraine are overcrowded. It is connected with the intensification of fighting on the fronts. Where to place them and why Russia does not want to exchange them for Ukrainian prisoners, further in the article.

Why are they needed?

Each captured enemy has the following opportunities:

– Information. Military personnel can be a source of information about the location, armament of units, and logistical routes. The only thing is that such information is mostly not held by soldiers without a rank but by officers, who are rarely captured.

– Exchange. Every captured Russian is a chance to return a Ukrainian soldier from captivity. The only thing that becomes an obstacle is that the exchange must be requested from Russia, and the relatives of Russian soldiers are often not provided with up-to-date information about the location of the serviceman. Concealment of the capture by the Ministry of Defense of Russia has been systematic since the first days of the full-scale invasion.

In addition, prisoners of war are essential for creating the necessary psychological mood in the army.

Expensive guests

The maintenance of each prisoner is a burden on the Ukrainian budget, which is already experiencing not the best of times. 10,000 UAH is allocated per person per month, more than the minimum salary in Ukraine. Due to inflation, this amount is constantly increasing.

There is a video on the network which shows in detail the conditions of detention of Russians. They fully comply with the requirements of the Geneva Convention, and therefore:

– places of detention are located deep in the rear, where it is safe;

– medical assistance is provided;

– full nutrition is provided;

– there is a possibility of communication with relatives;

– conditions are constantly monitored by the Committee of the Red Cross.

The video shows that the prisoners can visit a library, a swimming pool, and a church. In the Zahid-1 camp of the Lviv region, there is a tendency for Russian soldiers to ask sometimes not to be sent home until their contract expires. Some want to stay in Ukraine longer because it is better for them than at home.

What is the time – so is construction

As the number of Russian prisoners of war grows daily, the existing camps are almost full. Therefore, it is planned to open another new one. It will also meet all international requirements in contrast to the places of detention of Ukrainian soldiers in Russia. There, they are placed in prisons or colonies jointly with persons serving time for crimes. More often, these conditions are terrible.

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