“General’s” scandal: who is the customer?

In recent days, the community attention in Ukraine and abroad has been focused on the possible suspicion of General Naiev regarding the surrender of the South in the first days of the war. In fact, there are grounds for such rumors because such cases require large-scale processing, during which many people are involved. Some of those who take part in the work do not keep completely silent; they “spill” information through their channels.

The public storms

The source of information about Naiev’s suspicion is not one institution but three at once:

– SBI – State Bureau of Investigation;

– General Staff;

– KSRIFE – Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.

But the main problem does not lie in the leakage of information (although this factor cannot be ignored), but in the fact that several no less stormy cases are expected in the future.

Who’s next?

Suspicion of Naiev is only the first stage, and further criminal proceedings are planned against two more key persons in the defense: General Sokolov – the Deputy Commander of the Operational Command “South” and Zaluzhnyi – the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Some sources report that an examination has already been prepared at KSRIFE.

Interested party

A logical question arises: who needs it? The SBI works on the order of the President’s Office; therefore, such a case would not have been initiated without Bankova’s knowledge.

If you believe this information, everything looks like this: the President’s apparatus prepares the “culprits” in the failure both in the Northern and Southern directions. The question of who is to blame for the Russian occupation, which took place so easily and automatically for the deaths of tens of thousands of defenders, will arise with new forces after the end of hostilities.

To say that this issue is unpopular and inconvenient is an understatement. Therefore, it is logical to prepare answers to it in advance.

The plan is dangerous because Zaluzhnyi’s support has been beating any ratings for many months, and the servicemen will be outraged. But they will be restrained from decisive actions by the need to remain in their positions, which is a guarantee of the absence of riots and rallies.

Russian trace

In the same way, it would be possible to neutralize Zaluzhnyi as the principal competitor in the upcoming elections. Instead, put at the head of the army some “handy” general like Syrskyi.

However, some analysts believe that this storm is a consequence of the actions of the Russian special services, which are destabilizing the situation inside Ukraine. Last spring, information appeared that Russia would make every effort to create the illusion of a split in power in Ukraine, specifically between Zelenskyi and Zaluzhnyi. And the Ukrainian people actively pick up on disinformation spread by their media in pursuit of high ratings.

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