The effect of presence: what is significant about the visit of the Chinese leader to the USA ​

The day before, President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping arrived on a working visit to the United States. During his stay in San Francisco, he held a number of meetings with his American counterpart Joseph Biden, as well as senior representatives of the White House and the US Congress. According to international analysts, this event is difficult to overestimate – it is of “exceptional political importance.” What’s so wonderful about it?

These shots instantly spread across thousands of publications around the world. The American president personally greets the Chinese guest on the carpet near the headquarters of the Pacific Cooperation Organization (APEC). According to some reports, already during the preliminary conversation both leaders came to the conclusion about the need to expand bilateral ties. Later, on the sidelines of the event, Biden called on China to “pay attention to possible joint actions within the framework of peacekeeping programs.

But even earlier, the same Biden, at the instigation of his closest allies, did not exclude the possibility of conducting a “preventive military operation in the immediate vicinity of Taiwan.” In addition, in the States, the Chinese authorities were regularly criticized for the active friendship of the PRC and the Russian Federation.

Today, the so-called “Russian theme” was practically not raised on the sidelines of the summit in the context of the PRC and the USA. Moreover, as if by magic, the countries found out that they could work together in the economic and political spheres, as well as the tourism industry.

It is necessary to make a reservation: no relevant treaties and other international important documents. And in this particular case, Beijing and Washington did not lay claim to any originality – the forum’s agenda clearly does not allow for this. “The very fact of Xi’s visit to the United States is interesting,” European political commentator Klaus Hoff noted in a special commentary for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. “It turns out that after five years of tense relations, both states are trying to find ways for rapprochement. And APEC has become the first step in this stairs.” Hoff also emphasized that, in general, Xi Jinping’s presence at the APEC forum had an “extremely positive effect for China.” In this way, Comrade Xi clearly demonstrated to the United States the openness of the PRC and its readiness for dialogue.

How relations between China and the United States will develop in the near future is already relatively clear. But here’s the thing – by the end of next year the next presidential election will be held in the United States. Apparently, it will be possible to talk about the future of renewed contacts between Washington and Beijing after 2024.

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