It will be difficult: Charles Michel announced a problematic meeting of the EU summit on Ukraine’s membership

In December, the EU Commission plans to hold a summit at which positive decisions on the start of negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the European Union will be made. The President of the European Council immediately warned about the difficulties and problems that would arise during the discussion.

Ukrainian optimism

In parallel with this statement, the President of Ukraine Zelenskyy addressed the European Commissioners and his people, emphasizing how quickly and effectively the state responds to comments to become a member of the EU. He said that the Ukrainian government demonstrated its ability to make positive changes even in the exceptional conditions of war, and that’s all – without ceasing to defend the freedom of the whole of Europe.

It is clear from Zelenskyy’s speech that the authorities are confident of a positive outcome and have certain expectations soon.

A detached view

The President of the European Council Charles Michel is more cautious. He emphasizes that the process will not be easy. Despite his confidence in the need for a positive solution, not all member states see the future of Ukraine unanimously. Of course, the issue is not about rhetoric and beliefs. The main thing is the report of the Commission, which takes into account all the pros and cons. However, there are also political influences that cannot be ignored.

That is why Charles Michel speaks only about the probability of a positive result and not about the fact that it has already happened.

Controversial issues

The main reason for the discussion falls into two categories:

1. A signal to the Kremlin. This is becoming more and more urgent, especially because the financial support of Ukraine from the US is gradually decreasing. A positive decision will be a symbol for Moscow that the leading role in supporting the Ukrainian state will now be taken over by the EU, which is not going to give up the new member. That is why political partners of the Russian Federation will be against Ukraine’s membership.

2. Financial issues. During the summit, it is planned to review the budget of the European Union, which is carried out once every four years. Now, it will have 50 billion additional euros to help Ukraine. Against the background of the economic crisis in Europe, such a decision will cause dissatisfaction and debate.

Specialists also note that the start of negotiations on Ukraine’s membership can theoretically be postponed to a later date. If this happens, it will be a negative signal about the unpreparedness of EU leaders.

And there are already such bells. For example, Hungary has announced that it will oppose Ukraine’s membership. This is not a surprise, given the recent trends in Budapest’s foreign policy. Working out this issue in advance is the task of Kyiv and the European leaders, and the coming months will show whether it will be possible to do it.

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