They won the race but lost the power: what is happening in the Polish government?

In the last elections, the pro-government party suffered a striking defeat, although formally, it won. Such a position became a reason for open mockery even in the public media, radio, television, and the Internet. Against this background, a significant scandal suddenly arises with the border blocking between Poland and Ukraine. The authorities are delaying and throwing up their hands, but how to understand if this is inaction or a deliberately chosen strategy?

It is obvious that the legal procedure of voting in the Sejm will bring a new result this time because Morawiecki’s government, which has remained stable in power recently, will not be supported.

The next step is also known – the Sejm will propose its variant, and everyone knows in advance that it will be the government headed by Donald Tusk. Approximately 1.5 weeks remained for all these procedures.

Give up on time

If you take a closer look, the situation with the Polish-Ukrainian border blocking is precisely related to the fact that the old government had a chance to stay in the Sejm after the elections. The scheme is simple: in the case of any clashes on the border, a state of emergency could be introduced for a certain period, and this already extends the period for which the government should have been elected. Then, they have to hold re-elections, and this is another additional chance to stay for the next term in the former composition. The prospect is illusory but better than zero.

East and West

However, the situation suddenly turned out not as expected. The western neighbors, the Germans, are very dissatisfied with it. The fact is that due to the blocking of the Polish-Ukrainian border, there was a long queue at German checkpoints as well. Now, it is about 25 km, and it has led to inconvenience and financial losses on the part of Germany, which has no interest in this matter.

It would seem that the Polish government could have foreseen this, but it did not happen for one of two reasons:

– banal unprofessionalism;

– the preference of personal desire to remain in power over political rationality and benefits for the state.

Given the great experience of the team, it is unlikely that this can be the first item, although this possibility cannot be excluded completely.


To cross the Polish-German border under the existing conditions, drivers must receive forms written in German, read them, and fill them in correctly. There are five such forms.

And it was during this period when the situation turned into a critical one, that almost the former government began to work: it proposed a whole series of solutions to somehow unblock the border.

Whether this will change the attitude and chances of the old government is a rhetorical question. However, this is the fact that the well-being of one country has been thrown on the altar, and the image of Poland itself has deteriorated in the eyes of the world community.

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