“Percentage of Probability”: Will the US introduce new sanctions against Iran?

US authorities have not ruled out the possibility of introducing so-called “additional special restrictions” against the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). According to preliminary data, we are talking about new sanctions that could deal a significant blow to the Iranian economy and block the decisions of this country in international structures. Washington has not yet announced the corresponding “declaration of intent,” however, according to experts, the initiative may be doomed to failure from the very beginning.

Why? There may be several answers to this question. At the moment, the wording of the innovation itself remains not entirely clear. According to the White House, sanctions should force Tehran to stop its development in the defense sector. It is no secret that today Iran is one of the main suppliers of lethal weapons for the Russian Federation in its war against Ukraine. It is Iranian Shahed-type drones that regularly attack positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the so-called “contact zone” in Donbass, as well as in the Zaporozhye and Kherson directions. In addition, Iran plans to regularly supply the Russian army with its new missiles. But here’s the thing – these developments and contracts are an internal matter of Tehran itself: there is no direct violation of international law in its actions.

Further more. The United States plans to annul any Iranian proposals on the “Palestinian issue” at the UN in the near future. They say that Tehran, which traditionally pursues an anti-Israeli policy, is capable of aggravating the already difficult situation in the Middle East. “We must respond adequately to every such attack,” said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. However, there is also some inconsistency here – today the Islamic Republic refrains from making any loud statements on this issue.

“One gets a completely understandable impression that this is how Washington is trying to once again put pressure on Iran, demonstrating its dissatisfaction with Tehran’s policies,” noted European expert Alexander Mitz in a special commentary for EURO-ATLANTIC UKRAINE. “As practice has shown, the already introduced “In relation to Iran, sanctions are only partially working. The time has come to strengthen them. But what is the percentage of probability that they will be effective?”

Washington is expected to submit the first package of new restrictions for consideration by Congress as early as January next year. It is possible that in the future the mentioned list will be modified in the direction of tightening.

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