Preparing for a second attack on Kyiv: a Ukrainian intelligence officer calls on Kyivans to start preparations

Ukrainian politicians constantly remind us that the Russians have not changed the true purpose of their invasion. Taking Kyiv is one of the essential tasks that would fundamentally change the course of the war. Ukrainian intelligence officer Oleksandr Niemkov advised the Kyivans to think about strengthening their defense now if they do not want to get the result observed in Bucha last spring during a possible repeated attack.

How to prepare?

Niemkov is not only an intelligence officer but also a participant in the air raid on Azovstal. He was in Russian captivity for four months, after which he returned to Ukraine. Oleksandr says that, at the moment, it is impossible to be sure of a change in the main plan of the Russians. Therefore, a repeated attack on Kyiv with an attempt to finally capture it is probable.

Not everyone can join the army ranks, and this is quite logical. Tips on how to become useful and effective for the Armed Forces of Ukraine can be applied by almost everyone, regardless of gender and age:

1. To learn the culture of handling weapons. It is worth paying attention not only to men but also to women.

2. To know the principles of providing first aid to yourself and others.

Everyone can prepare simply by having at least tourniquets, painkillers, a supply of drinking water, and food at home. Having matches and a gas cylinder for cooking is better in every household. The importance of such preparation cannot be assessed before the start of hostilities or occupation, but in fact, neglecting such advice costs hundreds and thousands of lives later.

Another significant point is the readiness to replace those currently at the front. Sooner or later, however, it will have to be done, but the sooner, the more effective it will be.

Who will replace?

It is already known about the plans regarding the number of men who are planned to be drafted into the Ukrainian army in the first half of next year. They want to attract at least 20,000 people in six months. Ideally, they would like to replenish the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by 20,000 people every month. Such a pace would make it possible to fully recover the losses of almost 2 years of war and prepare the reserve properly.

There is information that there are currently approximately 420,000 Russian soldiers on the territory of Ukraine. These are those involved in hostilities and military personnel in the rear located not far from the front. It is necessary to renew the personnel precisely to resist the advance of the enemy inland qualitatively and to prevent an attack on Kyiv. The sooner this is understood in the relatively “calm” Ukrainian cities, including Kyiv, the better.

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