What will happen to Ukraine without the help of the USA?

The White House openly says that without financial aid, Ukraine faces collapse because the USA has remained the priority source of resistance to Russian aggression for almost two years. Prospects without this support look pessimistic, but politics is the ability to find alternative options constantly. Is the Ukrainian government working on this?

Simple math

Although Biden promised to do everything possible to adopt the aid allocation in the , the vote to consider the corresponding bill has been blocked again. The votes of the senators were divided as follows:

– “for” – 49 votes;

– “against” – 51.

For the bill to be considered, 60 congressmen must vote “for.” So, 19 votes were not enough.

Blocking reason

In fact, political “for” or “against” does not always indicate the senator’s position regarding Ukraine, as in this case. The main reason for the current situation is the congressmen’s demand to strengthen the border with Mexico, where many illegal migrants come from. Strengthening the border requires finances, and this issue has long needed a solution but has been postponed for a long time. That is why Ukraine has become a suitable mechanism for political blackmail, as Biden called it.

Shoot the economy

Moscow perfectly understands that the economic decline of Ukraine is the easiest and fastest way to win. That is why many attacks are focused on the destruction of the Ukrainian export system and energy structure.

In turn, the finances that the USA allocates to Kyiv benefit the American economy because national interests depend on the support of allies, among which, in addition to Taiwan and Israel, there is also Ukraine. Moreover, Russia’s victory in Ukraine will almost inevitably lead to a conflict with NATO in a few years, which will turn out to be more costly.

Change direction in time

Ukraine has three main allies:

– the EU;

– the USA

– the United Kingdom.

If they stop helping, then inevitable defeat awaits ahead. However, if two members concentrate their efforts, the lack of funds will be covered.

Great Britain has already announced that it is considering the possibility of increasing aid to Ukraine, so Ukrainian politicians are working in this direction. With the EU, the situation is more complicated: there are growing contradictions against the background of the coming to power of new political forces.

Without financial assistance, Ukraine’s prospects are as follows:

– the monetary maintenance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will have to be cut;

– the defense and industrial complex will not be able to meet the needs of the army;

– it is possible that the Russian Federation will seize new territories.

This is a worst-case scenario that hurts most of the Western bloc. Therefore, there is a high probability that it will not materialize in life.

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