Bitter truth or… What are the consequences of censorship of bad news in Ukraine?

Political scientists increasingly criticize Zelenskyy’s constant optimistic statements. A split is noted based on disagreements between the rhetoric of the President’s office and the top military leadership. Optimism, which is constantly relayed in Zelenskyy’s speeches and addresses, has its advantages. However, there are also disadvantages, and they increasingly affect reactions to events within Ukraine and abroad.

The full-scale war with Russia has been going on for more than 650 days, and every day, the President of Ukraine makes a video address. The main message is “We have success” and “We are moving forward.” This tactic aims to support a positive assessment of the actions of the government and the army. The same strategy includes hiding negative news, for example, real losses on the fronts and among the civilian population, successful Russian operations, enemy missiles hitting targets, etc.

Only good

In fact, such “optimism at the government level” has both pros and cons.

Among the obvious advantages are:

– Support a stable state of citizens, which affects the number of migrants, birth rates, etc.

– An opportunity to receive at least some investment for business. Nobody dares to invest in a country where pessimistic expectations reign.

– Motivation for other countries. Any government is better off supporting a country with the prospect of winning rather than losing.

– An attempt to keep the domestic business in the country and to receive taxes necessary for the economy and the army.

The strategy “we are full of optimism” worked during the first months, but with time, it ceased to be effective. Even Zelenskyy’s entourage notes that it is necessary to move to realism.

Time of change

There are several compelling reasons for this:

– There were no significant military successes in 2023. Constant statements about the army’s successes cause distrust among citizens; this calls into question any statements of high officials.

– The support of Western partners is weakening. There are several reasons, but one of the most important is that society in other countries does not see the need to allocate significant funds for the military needs of Ukraine because Kyiv constantly says that victory is “just around the corner.”

– Not everyone understands how difficult the situation is. Due to the constant reassurance of society, a false impression was formed that the biggest risks are behind us. Because of this, donations from the population, which are a large part of the army’s provision, have been reduced several times.

Information is a weapon, and that is why the leadership and the government must find a balance in communication shortly, rejecting the mechanism that no longer works.

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