Wiretapping of Zaluzhnyi: details that explain everything

The equipment for eavesdropping of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, found on December 17, is an extraordinary news that shook the media. However, a more detailed analysis and information obtained during the examination shows the story in a different light. What is the real function of thislistening“?

How did they find it?

The place where the “bug” was installed is one of the offices where Zaluzhnyi works. However, this is not his principal place of stay, but episodic. It was here that the Commander-in-Chief had to come on December 18.

As always, before this, the workplace is subject to a thorough inspection. This is a mandatory practice that includes not only visual inspection but also other methods of detecting hidden equipment. It was during such preventive work that the device was found.

Was there a leak?

The most important question facing the investigation is whether someone from the employees of the General Staff did it. It is clear that a random passer-by could not enter the building from the street, and neither could pizza deliverymen or window cleaners – this version is ridiculous. The security services here work at the highest level; otherwise, the key figures of the Armed Forces of Ukraine would have been eliminated a long time ago.

The most important thing is whether there could have been a leak. This is rejected for two reasons. The first is that the Commander-in-Chief had to work in this office from 7 a.m. the next day. Before that, no activity had been carried out here for a long time, and inspections were carried out periodically. Therefore, the option that the bug has been hanging here since last time is excluded. The second reason for the impossibility of information leakage became known during the examination of the found equipment.

Rubber women, rubber bugs

Immediately after the discovery, the device was handed over for examination. Specialists noted that it was an imitation of “wiretapping” because it did not have any of the necessary means to perform the function:

– any mechanism for accumulating information;

– means of remote transmission of audio or video.

Therefore, this equipment is not capable of leaking state secrets or important information.

Then why?

There are two versions regarding the purpose of installing fake equipment:

– it was done by a non-professional (which is unlikely because operations of this level are always thought out in detail and adjusted by high-level specialists);

– this is the first stage of provocation.

Probably, in a few days, a provocative audio with the voice of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will appear on the Internet to spread disinformation about the confrontation between the Ukrainian government and the army. Creating such audio with the help of artificial intelligence is very simple. It was the Ukrainian mass media that helped overcome the first step on the way to this plan by spreading the news widely. Any objections to this will now be accepted as truth.

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